Doctrine and Covenants 4: 2-3

2. Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day.
3. Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work;

Sunday, December 4, 2011

This letter is from a Sister in Idaho

Brother and Sister Hardy-

I just wanted to let you know that my 12 year old daughter and I attended a Book of Mormon study group that the Elders put on last week. There were a few new converts as well as some ward missionaries also in attendance. They did such a wonderful job! I often take for granted all that I learned having grown up in the church, but there is so much to learn about The Book of Mormon and who wrote in it and for what purpose. I was again very impressed by Elder Hardy's testimony and knowledge of the gospel. I can't believe he has only been out on his mission for a short time!

As I have two young sons that I am trying to prepare for missions, I want to ask what you did to help your son be so prepared for his mission. My two boys are only 8and 6, but I know that they will be 19 before I know it! I hope that they will have such a strong testimony when the time comes for them to serve as full time missionaries in the Lord's vineyard. I would appreciate any advice that you would like to share!

Sis Larsen

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Elder TJ Hardy recent letter

My week:

Tuesday (22nd)-- Usually we have district meeting but we had to cancel because no one was going to be able to make it. So instead of doing it today we just had a regular day and contacted people. We were supposed to teach Tammy but she got sick and had to cancel and we still (28th) We haven't been able to get in touch with her could you keep her in your prayers? Thanks. Then we went and taught Ryan and Whitney and they have been giving there mom and dad trouble so she had us talk on obeidence and I shared Alma 53 and 57 with them (Army's of Helaman) since they were great examples of following and being obeidient to their mom :) Then we taught a couple members and got some referrals

Wednesday (23rd)-- Zone Conference (9am-530pm) it was my first one and I really enjoyed it! it was pretty long but very good. President talked to us for a while and he had the missionaries going home give there testimonies but I guess they call them "Trunk -a- monies" haha. Then we played a few games and watched 17 miracles it's a good movie I really enjoyed it. Then we went home and headed over to Gabe's house to teach him a lesson we taught him about prayer and to always pray. His dad has been less active since he was baptized and is starting to open up and sit in the lessons with us so that is really neat! He is a Raiders fan too -- good man. ha!

Thursday (24th/Thanksgiving)-- to start off the day I played some football with the stake at 9 till about 12 then went back and got showered,etc.. and just hung out until we went to the Larsens at 3:30 we played football, basketball, ate, watched a little of 17 miracles, board games and just had a great time talking. After that we went back home.

Friday (25th)-- back to work, break over! had district meeting and learned how to ask inspired questions and listen to the spirit. It was a good lesson. After that we weekly planned since we usually do it on Thursday's but it was Thanksgiving. After we planned we got a call from Sister Sorenson saying she made us apple crisp :) she's a great lady! after we picked that up we went to dinner at the Covinos they took us to Pizza Hut. Then we went and contacted more people.

Saturday (26th)-- Had a lesson with a recent convert who likes to keep learning more about the church (Brooke) so we taught her about the doctorine of Christ (2 Nephi 31) and then talked for a while it was a great lesson she's an amazing girl and cute haha. 19 years old grew up catholic and decided she wanted to learn more then got baptized in May. Her family is really nice (free haircuts lady) After that we did the usual progress records then we had a lesson set up with Cassie (a lady we tracted.) but she was a no show hopefully she is serious and will get back to us.
After that we got a call from Gabe's dad asking if we could come over and share a message with him because he really enjoys it and appreciates what we have done for his family and his mom.

Sunday (27th)-- church then contacted people had a lesson with an active family in the Star 2nd ward. Tried contacting Tammy and Cassie but had no luck.

Well mom and dad I wanna let you know how much I love and appreciate you and all you do! You are my heros and I look up to you so much. You are both a true disciple of Christ and I thank you for being that great example and setting that example for me to follow. You're the best dad and mom ever I am the luckiest son to have a great dad and mom like you guys. I am so happy I'm serving a mission it defiently stretches you but after the stretch you are okay.

Can't wait til Christmas,we will be Skyping and I'm so excited to see all of you.


Saturday, November 12, 2011

Letter from Sister Larson from Idaho regarding Elder TJ Hardy

Dear Brother and Sister Hardy

I wanted to email and let you know how impressed I
am with your son as a missionary. I have gotten to
know him and his companion over the past month
Last Sunday we had our ward primary program, which
the elders participated in. At the end of the program
they were both asked to share their testimonies. I was
so impressed with Elder Hardy's testimony of the
Savior and of missionary work.

I found myself looking at my two sons up on the stand as he spoke and
hoping that they will be as prepared as your son when
it comes time for them to enter the mission field.
I felt impressed to write you this short letter to thank
you for your efforts in raising such a fine son and
honorable missionary. I am so grateful for the
example he is to my children and the blessing he is to
both the members and investigators is our area.

Sis. Larsen

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Latest happenings in Star/Meridian Idaho from Elder TJ Hardy

Hi Mom, Dad and Casey, how are you doing this week? :) Hey first off P-Days are now on Monday's instead of Tuesdays. idk why they got changed but they did so make sure you get emails in by Monday (post on the blog and FB) thanks!

So here's how my week went! :)

Wednesday (26th) -- We had to go to Cascade,ID so my comp. could do a baptismal interview it's about 2 hours away so that took most of the day we got back around 5pm then had dinner with one of my favorite familes the Birches! had a great time :)

Thursday (27th) -- This is going to a busy day!! had a lesson with a recent convert from this past May and taught her about enduring to the end and we watch the movie John Tanner (excellent movie!!) then we picked up out dry cleaning and had lunch with a kid that works with us a lot so we took him to lunch to say thanks he's waiting for his mission call. Once we finished with that we had some referrals to contact so we did that and had pretty good success it's kind of hard during the day with people at work or out and about. Had splits tonight so I went with a guy from the Star 1st ward and we went and taught 3 families (all members) we do this to help them with there missionary efforts and had a good time.

Friday (28th) -- We had a "mission tour" do you remember those dad? Where a General Authority comes and visits. Elder Bowen from the Quorum of the 70's came and talked to us by zones and did a great job, he talked about following the Lord's cousel and acting whe prompted. Then on Sunday Elder Bowen held a fireside for recent converts, members, investigators, etc... it was a Q&A and went really well he is such a neat guy. We had a lesson with Brianna our recent conver and taught her about temple marriage because she really wants that. After that we went to the Star 1st Ward Halloween party and guess what I dressed up as???? come on can you think!! no not you dad! I dressed up as a missionary! Who woulda thought ;) hahah! Then we went to a family named the Pollucks (active members) and carved pumkins with them (I have a video on my SD card so when I send it home in a couple of weeks so you can see it :)

Saturday (29th) -- We picked up a new investigator (Tammy Birges) and were supposed to have our first lesson with her but she had to cancel.. so we are going back in 1 week! had dinner and FHE with the Birch family! We watched the Emma Smith movie, have you seen it? It is way good! I recommend seeing it :) what a faithful lady!! After that we went and contacted some people with Brother Peterson and we came upon a preacher and he is really interested about the church so he might start coming haha! nuts huh?!

Sunday (30th) -- woke up sick... so I slept in until 10:30 felt good but woke up feeling gross still. At 1 pm we did go to church then Elder Speiser had to practice his music for a sacrement meeting on the 13 of Nov. so while he did that I wrote letters and got caught up in my journal.

Monday (31st) -- Happy Halloween!!! :)I'm still feeling sick hoping to get feeling better asap! We are exchanging today also I'm with Elder Andersen again and we should have a good day. We are going to the Star 1st ward's trunk or treat and we are going to buy a pack of candy and tape "" card to them and pass them out to non members.

I love you so much dad, mom and Casey and miss you a lot!!!!


Elder Tyler

Email from Sister Wilson about Elder TJ Hardy

Thought I'd share this from Sister Wilson from Meridian Idaho. Elder TJ and his companion moved in with this family two weeks ago. It's great to know he's in good hands and living with members who love missionaries. Thank you Brother and Sister Wilson for sending us this email. I did edit some of the personal information and wanted to share the rest.

Dear Brother Hardy,

Oh, how I loved reading your email! I read it right before I went to bed and I couldn't help being overcome with emotion and crying from the sweetness of your relationship with you son. It's beautiful!

I've quickly grown to love your dear son so much! He's absolutely delightful to have around. Elder Hardy was sick with a sore throat and headache. Tonight he took some Nyquil and cough drops, though so I'm hoping he'll feel better soon.

I wanted to hug him and help him feel better, but wasn't sure that was appropriate, even though I feel he's like a son to me. He ate some chicken noodle soup and went to bed. He's such a sweet, kind-hearted boy!

He told me your family write often and he really appreciates that. He asked if he could do some chores around the house because he thought that would make him feel better! Now, isn't that a special young man!?? I love him!

He asked if I would let you know that he has P-days on Monday now instead of Tuesday. I hope I'm not too late in getting this email to you so that you can write to him. Anyway, I hope you know I'll do all I can to take care of him on this end. He's such a doll! I know your family must be extraordinary just because of how close Elder Hardy tells me you all are.

Love to your family,
Cindy WIlson

Friday, October 14, 2011

Letter received from Elder TJ October 11, 2011

We have moved but still have the same area in Star we are now at 1840 W. Ham Rapids, Meridian, ID 83646. We moved in a members home and their name are the Wilson family.

This past week has been pretty good. I confirmed Brianna on Sunday and it went great! Ron was baptized and confirmed also and had a friend in the ward do it but i got to be in the circle which was neat!

Today (P-day) we went to Boise State University an toured the campus and got to go ON the football field I will send you pictures when I send the SD card home :) it was really cool, then we played basketball with a lot of elders.

On Saturday we went to the park which is right around from our house because they had little kids soccer games going on so we went and past out hot chocolate to everyone for a few reasons: so people could know who we are, get to know people, and hopefully get some investigators. It was fun but I wa the one who pulled the wagon so all my dignity is gone. hahaha! :) it was fun though.

Latest news from Elder Tyler (TJ) Hardy

Letter on October 4th, 2011

Had Ron's Baptism on Sept 30th which was WAY cool he was the first guy I taught my first day and my first baptism. He was so happy and calm it was very neat to see him do that. He will be confirmed on Sunday at 11am. I will help then this Sunday I will be confirming Brianna Freeman!!! I told you about that right? :) I am excited kinda nervous though. But more excited than nervous. We got a call 2 Sundays ago saying that we have to give up 3 of our 7 wards so we had to do that this past week and that was a lot harder than I thought ha-ha I’ve only been here 2 months and am so attached! That cools though I think :) But it will help us become more successful and find more people.

We have been teaching lots of people and some progressing but some aren’t which is hard to see but that’s why we’re here to help them along the way. This upcoming week should be a good one, last week we had general conference so it was a little harder to see people on the weekends so that will be great! What did you like most about this year’s general conference?

You know dad i am starting to get the flow of mission life besides the 6:30am thing haha i am really enjoying it out here everything is good even in the hard times there is always a positive outlook for me.

I couldnt think of a better experience for me to grow as a man and grown closer to my Savior Jesus Christ and ponder all the many things He has done for me. In any trial I know that He is always there and will always help me out. The power of prayer is such a blessing in life. When life is great it is so important to keep praying because Satan is always persistant so follow this scirpture as will I (D&C 10:5) come off that conquer of Satan And we will be greatly blessing and favored of the Lord.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Letter home

Sent a letter home to let the family know how I'm doing, and to tell them about my new expereinces while I've been here in Star for a week now. I've been able to give some blessings and issue a challenge to an investigator to be baptized and he said......, "YES" pretty excited and will have more details later. Doing well and being fed well by the members.

Pictures of my new home in Star, Idaho

Check out my new residence or shall I say, "Home Sweet Home!"

Pictures from the MTC

Sent pictures home from my time in the MTC from August 3, 2011 to August August 22nd. Pictures show a bit of my "life" while in the MTC, visiting the temple in Provo.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Made it to Idaho and serving in Star, Idaho

Well I made it to Boise, Idaho last Tuesday, August 23, 2011, and I'm currently serving in Star, Idaho which is a town about 20 minutes outside of Boise. My companion is Elder Speiser and he's from Wyoming. I have already been involoved in a member discussion the first night here in Star.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Getting ready to leave the MTC in Provo for Boise,ID

Elder Tyler Hardy will be leaving the MTC in Provo, UT on Tuesday, August 23, 2011 to fly to Boise Idaho. When we have his new address it will be posted here and on face book.
Elder Hardy has had a great time and very good experiences while at the MTC. He's sent letters home telling us about his companions and the life-long friendships that have been made while in the MTC.
Elder Hardy is getting excited about leaving the MTC and heading to Idaho, so he can "get to work!"

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Update on MTC reporting

Hello to all,
Just to let you know I am now at the MTC, arrived here at 1PM today August 3, 2011. Said my goodbyes to my mom, dad and sister at the curb.
Thanks to all who came to my talk on Sunday, July 31, 2011 and came to the luncheon at my house, it was great to visit with so many friends and family.
Check back often for further updates on life at the MTC - they told my family, "will take good care of him."

Thursday, July 28, 2011

As most of you know I have been called to Idaho Boise Mission. I will be speaking on Sunday , July 31, 2011 at the Slickrock Chapel on 2434 East Riverside Drive at 11:00 am. Following Sacrament services an open house will be at my home from 12:30 pm to 4:00 pm. I will be entering the M.T.C. on Wednesday, August 3, 2011.