Doctrine and Covenants 4: 2-3

2. Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day.
3. Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work;

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Email from Sister Wilson about Elder TJ Hardy

Thought I'd share this from Sister Wilson from Meridian Idaho. Elder TJ and his companion moved in with this family two weeks ago. It's great to know he's in good hands and living with members who love missionaries. Thank you Brother and Sister Wilson for sending us this email. I did edit some of the personal information and wanted to share the rest.

Dear Brother Hardy,

Oh, how I loved reading your email! I read it right before I went to bed and I couldn't help being overcome with emotion and crying from the sweetness of your relationship with you son. It's beautiful!

I've quickly grown to love your dear son so much! He's absolutely delightful to have around. Elder Hardy was sick with a sore throat and headache. Tonight he took some Nyquil and cough drops, though so I'm hoping he'll feel better soon.

I wanted to hug him and help him feel better, but wasn't sure that was appropriate, even though I feel he's like a son to me. He ate some chicken noodle soup and went to bed. He's such a sweet, kind-hearted boy!

He told me your family write often and he really appreciates that. He asked if he could do some chores around the house because he thought that would make him feel better! Now, isn't that a special young man!?? I love him!

He asked if I would let you know that he has P-days on Monday now instead of Tuesday. I hope I'm not too late in getting this email to you so that you can write to him. Anyway, I hope you know I'll do all I can to take care of him on this end. He's such a doll! I know your family must be extraordinary just because of how close Elder Hardy tells me you all are.

Love to your family,
Cindy WIlson

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