Doctrine and Covenants 4: 2-3

2. Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day.
3. Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work;

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Letter from Elder TJ

January 7, 2013

Hello! Another week and another transfer down - still trying to wrap my head around it's already another transfer! That was probably the fastest 6 weeks of my life. I am sad, but happy to see Elder Waite head to Mexico to serve the people that have been prepared especially for him. He'll do real well down there. He is a little nervous about the language but with studies and being emerged into it. It was fun to train him for sure. Between him and Elder Adam I don't know who my favorite companion is. That's definitely a toss-up. The week has been pretty crazy since Elder Waite got his Visa. You'll find out more when you read about Wednesday and Thursday! :) Stay tuned..

My week went a lil something' like this!

Tuesday (1st)-- Can't Remember hahahaha sorry!

Wednesday (2nd)-- Today we got up and did the usual morning schedule. Once we got ready and all that jazz, we decided that we needed to deep clean our room, take down the Christmas tree, and just get rid of things. I went through my suit cases after all was said and done and filled up 3 or 4 boxes of DI items. Again, I was amazed how many things a missionary can and does accumulate. Little too much. But all is well in Zion ;) I have a lot more space and I also filled up a box of things that need to go home and I am going to store it at the Nawahine's house - I talked to them and they said bring anything over till you go home. I will do so! Cleaning and junking our stuff took a long time - we also did some laundry that day. After we cleaned and did some appointment it was 5pm and dinner picks us up and we go eat. After that we got dropped off at the Samoan Families house the Tuiolasega's and had an excellent visit with them. They are a Part Member Family and the member is less-active with 3 kids and his wife. The kids are ready to be baptized we are going to set a date with them this upcoming week. The mom/wife is a little slower and is a harder "nut to crack." But....nothing the Spirit can't take care of. :) For the lesson we shared and based it off of James 1:5 about receiving an answer to our questions in life and about the Church. They are going to continue to read and pray especially the wife. As we were leaving Elder Waite and I really wanted a Lava Lava. They gave us both a Lava Lava it was great! Mine is red and Waite's is brown. The time is now about 7:45 and we have a lesson at 8 so we had to jet out of there and walk pretty fast to our next appointment with Bill Kirk. On the way it was really cold and started walking and a guy picks us up and takes us to our appointment! Score! At Bill's house he was the only one that sat in on the lesson; we read 2 Nephi 2 talking about the purpose of this life. It was a good lesson. I really enjoyed it. 

Thursday (3rd)-- 17 MONTH MARK! Where is the time going? Honestly, I can't believe it! So since we received the call that Elder Waite we had some things to get done! Last night I called the Nawahine's to see if they could take us around to run some errands and get some things accomplished. They said that they could no problem. Today at 10am they picked us up and we went to: DI as I told you I went through my suit cases the other day and junked a lot of stuff (4 boxes worth) so that will definitely lighten the load and weight and I'll have more room to work with! :) From the DI we went to Wal-Mart because Elder Waite wanted to get a few more American things to take down to Mexico with him like: Shampoo, Deodorant, and a few other things. He thinks it’s bitter-sweet about leaving the Idaho Boise Mission because he had a great time and the members have been so good to him and not to mention he had a GREAT trainer ;) ha-ha just kidding... :) I also got some items as well and I'll tell you what those Christmas gift cards from the family sure came in handy. Thanks again for them and I will send thank you’s to my aunts, uncles and cousins who donated! Great idea. While we were waiting for the Nawahine's next to the registers some members came up to us and gave us a $10 in store credit for Wal-Mart so Elder Waite was in need of some new socks so with that I said, "Hey, go get yourself some new socks!" So he got some new socks. As we were walking out of Wal-Mart about 3 or 4 people stopped us and just wanted to chat with us. Great members of the Meridian Area. Got to love it! :) After Wal-Mart we went over to Star because Elder Waite left his journal at the Hofman's so we met up with Coleson and got his journal back because he needs that of course! Then we went to WML Clark he's a dentist and gives us toothpaste for free! We then went to Dick's Sporting Goods so I could exchange my Jazz Jersey that Casey bought for me. It was a medium and needed a small so we got that taken care of and my jersey will be here sometime this next week! :) I am so excited to get it! They even gave me $11 back so I'll find a way to spend that money so you don't need to worry about that ha-ha ;). After Dick's we ran across the street to the Post Office so Elder Waite could send some items home that he didn't need and I sent a potential investigator in North Dakota a Book of Mormon and Bible - cost me $11 ouch... It's a kid of a Part Member Family in my area - his parents got divorced (Bill Kirk) and Noah (kid) lives with his mom out there. Mom doesn't really want him to pursue - but he really does so I thought this could be a start. He is only 11 so he may have to wait some time unless his mom's heart is softened which is 100% possible! I'm hopeful! The Nawahine's took us to lunch after then dropped us off at the church with the Family History Center so Elder Waite could talk to his family one last time - We both thought that would be a great way to send him off. Got picked up then went over to the Rice's in the Stake since I know them well and Elder Waite got close to them in the 6 weeks he was here. We had a lot of Chick Fillet coupons so we took them )the Rice family) out to eat there and then went back to the Zone Leaders so we could take Elder Waite to the mission office to drop him off  That was really hard on us both because we became really close and best buds. He'll do great in Mexico. No tears were shed but we both got super close ha-ha :) Good kid. "That's my mission son!"

Friday to Sunday -- I don't know names or places, etc... so I can't explain what we did. Sum it up: Taught some investigators, Part Member Families, went to church, taught Sr. Primary Sharing Time about how God loves us, and taught 14-15 Sunday school on Learning from the Holy Ghost. Had some great lessons, there was one lady named Mary she is so prepared to be baptized. We went in and taught her about the BOM and she accepted it right away and she committed to be baptized if she came to know it was true. Got transfer calls on Saturday Morning: I am staying in my area and becoming the District Leader and training another brand new missionary. Called a DLT no... not a BLT ha-ha ;) At the end of this transfer I will be there 7.5 months! That's a very long time! Usually doesn't happen - must be doing something right ha-ha :) I predict I will only do a 6 week train and then transfer and be the district leader in another area and possibility my last area of my mission. We went to the Priest Quorum planning activity because they are having a MTC night. All it is just giving them an MTC experience. I think I might take that back to my area for the Young Men and Young Women even and maybe the Slickrock Ward might like that and do that as they have in the past.

I'm excited to go back to my area after being with the Zone Leaders for the past few days. Being away from it felt so weird because I know nothing is getting done because no one is there. Until we get our new missionaries there will be probably 3 missionaries that come with me to my area so we can work it till Wednesday morning. That will sure feel good. I've been setting things up for this week so we have things to do when my new comp aka son gets here! It's going to be great!

I am excited to become the District Leader of this Meridian South District. I will have 8 district members and the Zone Leaders. I will be training them every Friday at 10:30. I have a good district I'm excited and looking forward to looking after them and being a leader and example to each of them as they will be to me.

I am excited to train this new missionary that comes in and help him grow in the Gospel of Christ and help others to do the same as we work together. No one is higher than the other. We are 2 missionaries with the same goal: and that is to invite people to come unto Christ in every way possible. I was a little upset and didn't want to train when I got the transfer call but as I changed my mindset that if it's not Elder Waite it's not going to be as cool, etc... I will love my new missionary just as much as Elder Waite and we will have a great and fun time with great success! I'm positive and optimistic.

Have a great week! I love you so much! Miss you tons! Under 7 months is just blowing my mind! I hope and pray that each one of us can have a better week than last as well as a better year! I hope we can all come unto Christ more. The sky is the Limit in the Gospel. :)

-Elder Hardy